AFL Architects | AFL supports community facilities in the garden city
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AFL supports community facilities in the garden city

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AFL is delighted to have received consents at Ebbsfleet Development Corporation planning committee this week for a Section 73 and 2 reserved matters application for two new community buildings, ‘Neighbourhood House’ and ‘Community Hub’ helping to continue the development of community facilities in the garden city.

The Ebbsfleet Green Community Buildings projects have engaged with the local community throughout their design and aim to achieve BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ accreditation, promoting sustainable thinking in their design. Both buildings look to create a unique design response for the community defining themselves as public buildings for the local community.

This community leisure project is a collaboration between AFL client Redrow Homes and Ebbsfleet Development Cooperation.

The AFL team has led the master planning on the Ebbsfleet Green site, increasing community provision on the site to facilitate the detailed application for both sites to come forward, ensuring two new civic buildings, sports pitches, tennis courts and associated public realm. The proposals have looked to place the principles of health and well-being at their heart, ensuring connectivity to external public realm and the wider community.

AFL is currently leading the detail design of the project ahead of construction next year. Both buildings represent a significant step forward in community infrastructure across Ebbsfleet Garden City which we hope will continue to aid placemaking and community facilities for the new community.

Construction is expected to start in early 2024.

A big thank you to our client Redrow and design partners for their continued support on the project:

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation.

Knight Frank

Fulkers Bailey Russell


CBG Consulting



Abacus Lighting
