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Planning Permission Granted for New Apartments in Mancetter

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Following a planning application submission made by the AFL team on behalf of Silverleaf Partnership, last week North Warwickshire Borough Council unanimously granted planning permission to two residential developments in Mancetter, North Warwickshire.

Designed by AFL’s Residential & Commercial team, the Wathen Grange School Redevelopment provides 27 fully-accessible one to two person units across two buildings.

The scheme aims to meet housing needs for students, first time buyers, and later life homes.

The town’s strong rural identity necessitated a sensitive approach to any new development.

Manchetter exists on the fast train line to London, which has subsequently affected growth projections and the demand for housing.

An existing school building, believed to have been completed circa 1875, is a locally-loved landmark site. Although non-listed and in decline, the proposals include the retention and incorporation of the existing Victorian school façade and the reinstatement of some of the original glazing intent.

The main structure will be extended for residential use, with a construction of a new block close by. The development of an inward facing courtyard creates a direct relationship and distinct identity between the two blocks.

The redevelopment has been positioned to act as a quality and design benchmark for future local residential projects.

It will seek to minimise its impact on the environment by specifying the use of locally sourced, reclaimed, recycled or recyclable materials and products. Standard dimensions will further be used to avoid waste, with prefabricated products to be considered, and the minimisation of the off-site disposal of materials. Biodiversity will be encouraged within the courtyard, with priorities given to local fauna and the conservation of mature plants.

The final design sits comfortably within its environment in both scale and appearance. The unanimity of last week’s decision reflects the care paid to the final design: fully considering its context and the importance of the original building to the town’s identity.


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