AFL Architects | Lodge Farm Witham
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Lodge Farm Witham

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The masterplan for a high-quality development of 750 dwellings that complements and builds upon the overall character of Witham.

As well as residential, the site will comprise education and employment elements. Lodge Farm will become a truly cohesive and sustainable neighbourhood, with a strong sense of local identity.

The success of our innovative engagement and design approach was rolled out to the client’s other regional sites on the completion of the project.

The site had previously achieved outline consent but had not received approval for Reserved Matters. Our approach was to re-engage with the stakeholders on a refreshed basis, responding positively and flexibly to design critique and focussing on forward progress.

The ultimate solution was to redefine the outline illustrative layout and create a bespoke housing design based on the standard client typology whilst being compliant with the Essex Design Guide. This was subsequently classified as a new design standard typology.

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AFL developed a site wide design guide for all areas of public realm and character areas, including the incorporation of public art.

The design strategy for Lodge Farm is based around a series of ‘character areas’ combining different styles of housing and different housing layouts.

The character areas will seek to demonstrate different aspects of traditional Essex approaches to urban form and layout. Careful consideration will be given to building materials and architectural details to ensure the new neighbourhood integrates appropriately into its surroundings and provides a strong sense of place.

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